Racism in WW2 and Why it’s Relevant Today.

Let’s forget about the obvious question of Adolph Hitler and Nazi ideology and just ask these questions….How did we let the fascists get so far out of hand? How did Japan make so many gains in the Pacific theatre in WW2 early on? Why did the allies let it go so far? Aside from fear of another terrible world war, why?


The US, the British,the Dutch and French weren’t ready for Japan and suffered gravely losing most or all of its territory in the Far East and the Pacific simply because they underestimated a lethal enemy because they were not white. The Russians did exactly the same thing during the Russo/Japanese War.

In fact, the allies sat out the Italian invasion of Abyssinia mostly because they weren’t prepared to go to war over non-whites. It took the invasion of Poland to do that. By then it was arguably too late.

My point in writing this is simple. Racism isn’t just something that happens to “the other guy.” It’s only a matter of time before, as Malcom X put it, your own chickens will “come home to roost…”

Many people in this day and age will try to justify racist acts or pretend racism is a thing of the past or simply somebody else’s problem. Racism is a human trait and therefore all of our problem.

Don’t forget the mistakes of our past. Don’t repeat them. Don’t allow them to be repeated. Stay vigilant.

God Bless.

Dear Democrats: It’s Over. Now What?

The president was acquitted. I’m not surprised. With all the posturing and accusations, it’s finally over. My question to my progressive friends is: What now? I’d like to share my thoughts and then please weigh in. Your thoughts on this blog are as important as mine if not more so.

My position essentially is impeachment was a bad idea against a popular president. From a progressive point of view, I’d be happy. This is the best possible outcome for you. If you want to get rid of Trump, you have to have a better candidate. Not a more qualified candidate, a BETTER candidate. Somebody exciting enough to galvanize the party and draw votes from the apathetic block of voters. That candidate doesn’t exist for 2020. If he were successfully impeached, you’d have to worry about beating him in 2024.

What are your thoughts? Keep in mind, the trials are over. If you are progressive minded, what is the best path foreword?

Conservatives, Trump overcame the biggest threat to his presidency. What would you like to see him do in this and let’s face it, his next term? Any thoughts on a suitable successor for 2024?

Thank you for you time and thoughts. God Bless.

Truth in Politics: Our Goal

Vitriolic. This, in my opinion, is the state of political discourse in our country. The language is ad hominem attacks, slander and outright lies. Any article, blog or news report, as long as it jives with the individual’s worldview, is seen as The Gospel by the individual ,wielded by the individual , to fight off his perceived foes(Liberals, Conservatives, government,the private sector, the rich, the poor,etc) In the era of conspiracies and “fake news” how can we know what information to trust? What are the best political and economic strategies?

What I’d like here is to have a discussion about all of that. An honest, respectful dialogue to gain a balance of the best of what we know to be TRUE in politics and the economy to forge a working political movement not weighted down with party dogma. Only what we know works, will work and is based in fact…not emotion or party,class or racial loyalty. “Just the facts…”

I hope you’ll join me in this worthwhile endeavor. Thank You.